What Puts the Wow in WOW!

By Alice Adams, WOW member

Ever wonder what puts the wow in WOW? There are many things, actually...but one that we are particularly proud of is our commitment to our community. And that commitment includes our members tireless volunteering in support of numerous causes.

At its core, WOW is an all-volunteer non-profit organization. Since the beginning of 2022, WOW members have volunteered hundreds of hours equally in support of both WOW sponsored events and non-WOW events. WOW events this year, from which all proceeds support women and children in Haywood County, included bi-monthly member meetings, an auction which raised in excess of $4,000 and the planning, photo shoots and selling ads for our annual calendar (and now weekly planner, as well), which is normally our most successful fund raising event each year.

Non-WOW events which we supported this year included the Waynesville Habitat for Humanity Ladies Level Up 2022. WOW members also volunteered at Elder Abuse Awareness Day, bowled for Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Empty Bowls 2022, Folkmoot International Dance and Music Festival, regular food distributions throughout the community and volunteering at various animal rescue organizations on a regular basis.

And we still have the holidays this year, when we'll be busy supporting causes and families in need. You might say that volunteering is in our veins...you’d be right and we’re darn proud of it!

If you’re interested in becoming a member or just finding out more about our organization, join us at one of our regular meetings. Or if you’d like to support our cause in another way donations are always appreciated.